Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends Blanket

I've been trying to decide which blanket to share with you next - there have been so many! I thought I'd go back to last summer, last July, when I made this blanket using the Circle of Friends square by Prisilla Hewitt. She is my favourite designer and been around for years producing beautiful patterns and sharing lots of them for free on her website as well as some lovely paid for patterns too, I have several I still want to try.


It was over a year ago now I made this, I remember sitting in the garden making the squares whilst my daughter played :)


I hope I remember the colours right, it's been a while! I'm pretty sure they were all Stylecraft Special DK in......cream, denim, cloud blue, raspberry, pale rose, stone and meadow.

I used an invisible joining method on the reverse where I slip stitch through the outside loops. I'm afraid I can't direct you to a tutorial for this because I most likely learnt it from a book years ago and have just remembered the technique over the years because I've used it so much. I kept the edge simple on this one by just using the raised stitch in the circles around the edge so that it matched.

I hope you find this useful and if you haven't heard of Priscilla you will now go and visit her website and try some of her brilliant designs. I don't claim to be a crochet designer of any sort, I just like to experiment but if you do decide to make a blanket exactly like mine then it's always nice (and courteous) to give me a mention and of course most importantly refer to Priscilla Hewitt.