With the crazy British weather this last month I have witnessed quite a few rainbows over our house! One minute it's sunny, the next a downpour which is kinda confusing when you're trying to plan things....like what to wear......but of course the rainbows that are produced with these weather conditions are always something special!
A rainbow inspired blanket has been long overdue so I've really enjoyed making this one. I do agonise quite a lot over rainbow combos, there are lots of different routes to go down.....bright, pastel, muted, vintage etc, and I can spend ages with yarn pegs working it all out. I wanted a bright, summery rainbow and was very keen not to use lots and lots of different shades and also not include purples this time.
Next thing to agonise over was the stitch/pattern! I definitely wanted stripes but what sort of stripes? Sooooo many options! Moss stitch has always been one of my faves, I've working it in horizontal stripes, diagonal stripes and in the round in the past. It's a great stitch, so easy to do and looks really modern. I decided on diagonal stripes as the great thing about C2C crochet (corner to corner) is there is no foundation chain so no counting stitches! You can find my video tutorial here...
Corner to Corner Moss stitch - You Tube
I love to break bolder colours up with a neutral so for this blanket I alternated 7 rows of each rainbow colour with 3 rows of the neutral colour. It made it look nice and bright and crisp!
These are the colours I used, I'm afraid one of them is discontinued now:
Hayfield Bonus DK
- Gentle Jade (discontinued)
- Blonde
Cygnet DK
- Fondant
Paintbox DK
- Blush Pink
Scheepjes Colour Crafter
- Tilburg
- Delfzijl
- Brussel
- Bastogne
- Eelde
- Barneveld
I used the neutral colour for the border, didn't want to overdo the rainbow, I do love lots of colour but I also often like to frame a blanket and for me that's done by using less colour.
I often like to work texture into borders so will change the loops I work into to give raised lines. This blanket has then been finished off with Attic24s bobble shell edging, one of my favourites and I use it a LOT! This blanket measured approx 80cm x 95cm
I hope you have found this combo inspiring and I'd love to see how you use it! If you want you can use the hashtag #littledovecolourcombos on social media to share your creations
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Thank you and happy crocheting
Faye :)