If I had a £1 for every time I’ve been asked if I had a You Tube channel………!
Well I’m pleased to announce to you that at long last I have finally set a channel up!
As you and I both know You Tube is bursting at the seams with crochet tutorials and this is one of the (many) reasons I hadn’t taken the plunge before……I didn’t think I could really bring much more to it that wasn’t already there.
Another reason has been time. With a young daughter and my needlecraft design business I haven’t really had the spare hours to devote to the time needed to film, edit, and upload consistent content.
……and probably the main reason that has held me back is confidence! I’m not fond of being filmed, photographed, or listening to my own voice etc so the idea of video tutorials was always a bit terrifying!
So why have I changed my mind?
My daughter is well into high school and is a lot more independent now so that has given me a bit more time to dabble in new things. I’d be lying if I said that confidence wasn’t still an issue. Sometimes though we just have to take a leap of faith and challenge ourselves and now just feels the right time to branch out and use You Tube to accompany my already popular blog posts.
There is a lot of crochet tutorials out there but I hope with 30+ year’s experience I can pass on a few little hints and tips to you here and there that you can take forward into your own creations.
Please note that I am ENGLISH and crochet using UK TERMS. You can find lots of conversion charts online if you are in a country using different terms to me.
I really hope you can join me over on my channel and I’ll be sure to keep you updated with any new content
Faye x