You won't find an all singing, all dancing written pattern here. What you will find are some FREE resources put together in my spare time to enable you to have a go at making a similar blanket.
This blanket has been generating a lot of interest on socials since I started making it around three years ago (another slow burner!) so I thought it was about time I added it to the blog!
First created by well know crochet designer Priscilla Hewitt back in the 90s the Sunburst Granny Square has always been incredibly popular with crocheters. It looks good when made with one colour or many colours and has a lovely texture to it with the puff stitches and clusters........I love it!
You can find my video tutorial for this square here
Sunburst Granny Square video tutorial
Working with my favourite combo of blues and greens again I used the following colours.....
Scheepjes Colour Crafter
- Utrecht
- Nijmegen
- Assen
- Alphen
- Alkmaar
- Barneveld (joining colour)
Stylecraft Special DK
- Cypress
- Lincoln
I've joined my sunbursts using a continuous join as you go method just like the one I've used here.......
Continuous join as you go for granny squares
........however bear in mind that this video shows the method using standard granny squares so the joining stitches are slightly different as a sunburst is squared off differently to a standard granny. The order in which you join the squares is exactly the same though.
You could also use this continuous join as you go method that I used for my Rain-Beau Sunburst blanket
Continuous join as you go with (UK) DCs
This blanket took me around three years to make. I don’t work on one thing exclusively, I prefer to rotate projects and sometimes they might not get picked up again for months so that’s why this one ended up taking so long! If I’m honest although I absolutely love the look of Sunburst granny squares I actually find them quite tedious to make so I prefer to make and join them in small batches around working on other things. I’m afraid I can’t tell you how much yarn I used, I tend to just dip in and out of my stash and unless I’m writing up a full paid for pattern I don’t take much notice. I won’t be writing a full pattern for this blanket as the Sunburst granny square is not my design however I made 130 sunbursts and it came out around 100cm x 130cm
Just on a little side note I also wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all those who have messaged me personally to thank me for helping them with their crochet journey, I'm so glad you are finding the videos and the blog helpful and more importantly that you know what I'm on about as when I watch the videos back whilst editing I do think to myself 'what are you on about Faye!?' If only you knew how many out takes there were!
Of course with the increase in interest there has also been an increase in rudeness lately and to those people I simply say 'manners cost nothing'. I’ve also been getting a lot of emails lately asking for generic crochet advice, yarn advice or wanting me to put together customised yarn colour combinations and whilst I'm more than happy to help and encourage you to reach out if you've got stuck with one of my paid for patterns I'm afraid I’m not able to give my free time to unrelated requests
I hope you have found this colour combo inspiring and I'd love to see how you use it! If you want you can use the hashtag #littledovecolourcombos on social media to share your creations for me to see
All my blog content is provided free however if you would like to support the time involved in producing the blog and videos and appreciate the information I share you can do so by 'buying me a coffee' Thank you to all those who have 'bought me a coffee' it is so appreciated!
I know things are tight for everyone right now though so alternatively you can show support by sharing one of my blog posts, social media posts or one of my video tutorials. Again this is so appreciated and thank you so much to all those who do this, it doesn’t go unnoticed
Happy crocheting
Faye :)