Last year I made a lovely bright rainbowy corner to corner moss stitch blanket which you can read about here.......
I loved working with the colours so much that immediately after finishing it I started making sunburst grannies in the same colour combo. You can find my video tutorial for these granny squares here although keep in mind that when using just one colour there is no need to fasten off after each round!
Sunburst Granny Square Video tutorial
Those who have followed me a while will know I favour bright, bold colours. There is a place for pastels but I always find myself drawn to more vivid shades and this combo is no exception.
You won't find an all singing, all dancing written pattern here. What you will find are some FREE resources put together in my spare time to enable you to have a go at making a similar blanket.
I made 81 squares in total, 9 of each colour so that I could join them in diagonal rainbow stripes. I get asked a lot if I block blankets.........generally no I don't, I don't see the point really as particularly with squares the joining process blocks them for you as you join and a first wash always helps to relax the stitches as well. Less blocking time means more crochet time after all! With these squares though I did manipulate them a bit into a more uniform shape with steam from the iron purely for aesthetic/photographic reasons
I am joining my sunbursts with a continuous join as you go method using (UK) double crochets, it gives a really pretty flat join that has a slight braided style twist to it. You can find my video tutorial for it here
Double crochet continuous join as you go
Once I finished joining all my sunburst squares I continued with the same yarn colour and gave my blanket a nice simple border using the camel stitch technique. You can find my video tutorial for this border here
Rain-beau Sunburst border tutorial
I don't use new, full balls of yarn when starting as I'm often working from my stash so can't tell you the exact quantities of yarn I used for this blanket but for a rough guide I used less than 100g of each colour for the sunbursts and between 300-400g of the joining colour
I hope you have found this colour combo inspiring and I'd love to see how you use it! If you want you can use the hashtag #littledovecolourcombos on social media to share your creations
All my blog and video content is provided FREE of charge and in my spare time however if you would like to support the time involved in producing the blog and videos and appreciate the information I share you can do so by 'buying my a coffee'
Thank you and happy crocheting
Faye :)